
1) Ascotricha parvispora (X.L. Cheng etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 1; Type strain: CGMCC 3.14995 = OUCMBI110001)

parvispora, a combination of parva (small) and spora (spore), inreference to the small ascospores and conidia of this species. 小孢刺囊壳

2) Ascotricha longipila (X.L. Cheng etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 1; Type strain: CGMCC 3.15229 =OUCMBI110118)

longipila, a combination of longi (long) and pila (hair), inreference to the ascomatal hairs. 长丝刺囊壳

3) Ascotricha sinuosa (X.L. Cheng etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 1; Type strain: CGMCC 3.149965 =OUCMBI101190)

sinuosa, of sinuous, in having arcuate ascomatal hairs. 弯曲刺囊壳

4) Trichoderma atrobrunneum (F.B. Rocha etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 158; Type strain: CBS 548.92 = G.J.S.92-110)

“atrobrunneum” means dark brown, which is the color of thestromata. 深褐木霉

5) Trichoderma afroharzianum(P. Chaverri etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 158; Type strain: CBS 124620 = G.J.S.04-186)

afro, Africa; T.afroharzianum means a T. harzianum-likefungus originally found in Africa. 非洲哈茨木霉

6) Trichoderma rifaii(F.B. Rocha etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 158; Type strain: CBS 130746 = Dis 355b)

In honor of M.A. Rifai for his pioneering contributions to thetaxonomy of Trichoderma. 瑞法木霉

7) Trichoderma camerunense (P. Chaverri etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 158; Type strain:CBS 137272 = G.J.S. 99-230)

“camerunense” reflects the type locality, Cameroon. 喀麦隆木霉

8) Trichoderma simmonsii (P. Chaverri etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 158; Type strain: CBS 130431 = G.J.S. 91-138)

To the memory of Emory G. Simmons, who described the famous Trichoderma reesei, and for his manyother contributions to Mycology. 西蒙斯木霉

9) Trichoderma neotropicale (P. Chaverri etal.  Mycologia 2015, 107: 158; Type strain: CBS 130633 = G.J.S. 11-185)

“neotropicale” because it is known only from the Neotropics.新热带木霉

10) Trichoderma endophyticum(F.B. Rocha et al. Mycologia2015, 107: 158; Type strain: CBS 130729 = IMI 395208)

“endophyticum” refers to the endophytic habit.内生木霉

11) Trichoderma pyramidale(W. Jaklitsch et al. Mycologia2015, 107: 158; Type strain: CBS 135574 = S73)

“pyramidale” describes the terminal cluster of phialides, whichassumes a pyramidal aspect. 金字塔形木霉

12) Trichoderma afarasin(P. Chaverri et al. Mycologia2015, 107: 158; Type strain: BPI 88109 = G.J.S. 99-227)

“afarasin,” from the Yoruba word “afarasin”, which means one whohides, with reference to the cryptic occurrence of this species as an endophyteand sometimes in soil. 隐生木霉

13) Trichoderma albofulvopsis (W.T. Qin et al. ScientificReports 2016, 6: 27074; Type strain: HMAS 273760 = 9930)

The specific epithet refers to the similarity to T. albofulvum. 拟白黄木霉

14) Trichoderma densum (W.T. Qin et al. Scientific Reports 2016,6: 27074; Type strain: HMAS 273758 = 10165)

The specific epithet refers to the densely disposedconidiophores and phialides. 浓密木霉

15) Trichoderma laevisporum (W.T. Qin et al. ScientificReports 2016, 6: 27074; Type strain: HMAS 273756 = 9481)

The specific epithet refers to the smooth conidia. 光孢木霉

16) Trichoderma sinokoningii (W.T. Qin et al. ScientificReports 2016, 6: 27074; Type strain: HMAS 271397 = 8849)

The specific epithet refers to the similarity between theChinese material andT. koningii. 中国康宁木霉

17) Trichoderma sparsum (W.T. Qin et al. Scientific Reports2016, 6: 27074; Type strain: HMAS 273759 = 10122)

The specific epithet refers to its sparse conidiophores andphialides. 稀疏木霉

18) Trichoderma sphaerosporum (W.T. Qin et al. ScientificReports 2016, 6: 27074; Type strain: HMAS 273763 = 9755)

The specific epithet refers to the globose to subglobose conidia.球孢木霉

19) Trichoderma subviride (W.T. Qin et al. ScientificReports 2016, 6: 27074; Type strain: HMAS 273761 = 8658)

The specific epithet refers to the similarity of the fungus to T. viride. 亚绿色木霉

20) Trichoderma europaeum (Jaklitsch et al. Studies inMycology 2016, 80: 1; Type strain: WU 29250 = CBS 121276)

For its abundant occurrence in Europe. 欧洲木霉

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