Yoghurt production; Reference strain of GB 4789.28 Quality Requirements of Medium and Reagents.
Production of sour soybean milk
Production of sour soybean milk
Yoghurt production (Often used in conjunction with CICC 6064); Positive control strain of GB 4789.35-2016 National Food Safety Standard-Examination of Lactic acid bacteria .
Production of sour soybean milk
For the production of probiotic dietary supplements
For the production of yoghourt and probiotic dietary supplements
For the production of enshine fungi health care food
For the production of enshine fungi health care food
For the production of probiotic dietary supplements
Detecting the penicillin in milk; production of probiotic dietary supplements
Taxonomical study, aminopeptidase, quality control bacterial strain "Production of probiotic dietary supplements"
Detection of penicillin in milk; Production of probiotic dietary supplements; Positive control strain of GB/T 4789.27-2008 National Food Safety Standard-Examination of residue of antibiotics in fresh milk .